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Scientific Library honors University Heroes

May 9 marks 74 years since the victory over Nazism in World War II. The department of scientific literature prepared "Heroes of the University" exhibition devoted to this date. At the very beginning of the war, on June 23, 1941, a general university meeting was held, at which a resolution was adopted. The resolution said that the teacher staff and students consider it their duty to defend the Motherland. More than 600 people were called to military service or went to the front voluntarily. Among the first were professors - A.V. Novoselov, A.K. Vasilevsky, M.D. Sukhonosenko; associate professors - M.I. Alkhimov, G.P. Bystritsky, I.P. Lubyanov, D.P. Poida, teachers and assistants - M.R. Mironov, D.G. Yurko, A.I. Zemlyanoy, A.D. Reva, S.P. Fediy, Y.A. Boiko. Student Z.F. Solomko (later Professor of Organic Chemistry Department), N.A. Tereshkevich (Kruglikova), A.P. Demina (later Associate Professor of geological and geographic faculty) and many others were among the first volunteers. In the post-war period, a whole constellation of war veterans worked and studied at the university: doctor of philology, professor V.M. Turkin, dean of the Faculty of History and Philology V.A. Vlasenko, professor A.N. Shilovsky, professor, department head D.Kh. Barannik, Honoured Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine M.F. Nosovsky, University rector (1964-1986) V.I. Mossakovsky, Hero of the Soviet Union, historical department teacher V.P. Yubkin, a war veteran holding an Order and a well-known Ukrainian writer Oles Gonchar. For a long time, veterans of war worked in the scientific library: deputy director, holder of the Order of Glory, colonel M.F. Tsygankov, Library director (1952-1987) N.A. Gaivoronskaya, librarians S. Grozovskaya and A.G. Semenova.
In 1943, a 15-year-old girl G.G. Soboleva came to raise the library from the ruins. She dedicated all her life to library work. More and more years are moving us away from those dramatic events, but the names of these and many other heroes are forever in the history of our university.

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