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To the attention of users of natural, technical and economic sciences reading room!

The scientific library invites everyone to get acquainted with the magazine exposition presented in the reading room of natural, technical and economic sciences (room 419).
The exhibition "To help the teacher" will tell about mental and psychological health of children of all ages. On the pages of "Women's Health in Ukraine" magazine readers will find answers to many questions related to upbringing of children. Qualified psychologists will tell parents and teachers how to help children in different situations, increase self-esteem, develop independence and ability to listen to others. And then any difficulties will be overcome!
Masterpieces of confectionery art, as well as peculiarities of national cuisine of some countries, are presented at the "Bon appetit!" exhibition. The information of "Health" magazine will attract the attention of readers by exquisite recipes, will help to serve a festive table and reveal the secrets of some culinary recipes.
Exhibition "Stadium of Health" will attract the attention of women of all ages. Rubrics "Body Guardian", "Fitness Club", "Beauty and Fitness" in "Health" magazine give advice on how to correct a figure with ideal forms thanks to special sets of exercises, how to develop a beautiful posture and graceful pace, how to get rid of surplus subcutaneous fat and change yourself for the better.
The exhibition "Our Pets" will answer the question: "What is in common between our health and domestic animals?" The magazines "Ecology and Life", "Young Naturalist", "Health", "Exo" will present readers interesting and informative articles about various domestic animals and their healing influence not only on the soul, but also on the human body.

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