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International Book Giving Day

 The day of February 14 is known primarily as Valentine's Day or the Day of all Lovers. However, starting from 2012, February 14 marks another holiday - the International Book Giving Day. The initiative of its appearance belongs to an ordinary person - an American, mother of three children, the founder of a children's book site in the USA, Emmy Broadmoor. It is the question of one of her sons - why there is not such a day in the year when people give each other books just like that gave the impetus for the birth of a new holiday. Addressing to well-known bloggers, users of social networks, colleagues and partners on the site Emmy initiated the annual holding of the Book Giving Day on February 14 in 2012. Today on this day it is customary to give books to children, first of all. However, not only children like to read. Fortunately, there are many adults who understand and appreciate a book, appreciate feelings and emotions that an author gives to a reader. Many libraries have joined the celebration of the International Book Gift Day in all corners of the world. Organizers and activists ask all not indifferent people to take care of books and not forget that today in the world not everyone has the opportunity to get acquainted with a book.
How to celebrate the International Book Giving Day? Very simple!
1. Give a book to a friend or a family member.
2. Leave a book in the waiting room or a lobby; where people spend a lot of time.
3. Donate your books that you don’t need to a library, a school, a children's hospital, an orphanage or a charitable organization.
We invite readers and guests of the library to join this holiday and present their books to those who need them.

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