Children's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world to honour children and raise awareness of children's rights. International Day for Protection of Children (sometimes also referred to as International Children's Day) was established by the Women's International Democratic Federation during its 1949 congress. The first celebration took place on June 1, 1950. Nowadays, International Children's Day is celebrated on June 1. Children's Day has its flag. Its green background symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. The red, yellow, black and white figures represent diversity and tolerance. The earth figure, which is directly in the centre, represents our earthly home.
For this holiday the department of scientific literature prepared an exhibition "Children's World." Here you can read books on theory and methodology of education and early childhood education. For example:
- Дичківська І. М. «М. Монтессорі: теорія і технологія»,
- Тамберг Ю. Г. «Как научить ребенка думать»,
- «Природа ребенка в зеркале автобиографии»,
- Тархова Л. «Воспитать мужчину»,
- Поварова И. А. «Коррекция заикания в играх и тренингах»,
- Кузнєцов М. А. «Розвиток моторної пам'яті в старшому дошкільному та молодшому шкільному віці»,
- Проскурина Е.«Святкове літо».