
On February 9, 2021, the world celebrates Safer Internet
Day under the slogan "Together for the best Internet"
Safer Internet Day has been held annually on the second Tuesday since February 2004 in the European Union under the auspices of the European Commission. World Safer Internet Day has spread beyond the European continent and is already celebrated in more than 120 countries.
In Ukraine, Safer Internet Day has been celebrated since 2009 with the support of Microsoft Ukraine, the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, youth and non-governmental organizations.
The Internet is an integral part of modern life, so this day is held to unite the efforts of society for the safe and responsible use of the Internet technology, especially among students, pupils and children. Celebrating Safer Internet Day, the reading room of social sciences and humanities presents an exhibition - message: "The Internet is a territory of security."
The exposition presents monographs, journals and publications on legal and safe use of the Internet, on human rights on the Internet, their limitations and available remedies, highlights examples of major risks and threats to users of the World Wide Web and technological, psychological and financial hazards, gives recommendations on their prevention. We also offer to get acquainted with the information on specifics and bases of modern tendencies of library Internet service, to learn about activity of leading libraries of the world and Ukraine at the present stage.
The materials of the book exposition offered to the users are aimed at the student audience, graduate students, and information security specialists and all library users, as the Internet is an integral part of our modern life.
Congratulations on Safer Internet Day, which aims to bring together children and young people, parents, educators and teachers and to inspire them to play their part in creating a better Internet.
The exhibition and materials are prepared by the librarian of the 1st category Sukh O.M.
